The bird’spective app

The app for sharing personal experiences and feelings.

Free of charge

You can use the app free of charge. Without inappropriate advertising or restrictions.


The app is 100% anonymous. Your thoughts belong to you and are therefore protected.


There are no limits in heaven. Everyone is welcome, regardless of gender, origin, age, place of residence or level of education.

The sky

There’s room for your thoughts in the bird’spective app. You can write them down for yourself and at the same time give others new perspectives and points of view on a topic. Perhaps you have experienced things that you have only kept to yourself so far, but actually want to share with others.

In heaven, you don’t need a passport, a certain look, a certain style or a certain level of education. You are welcome just as you are – in your purest form. There is no possibility to upload pictures or videos, the exchange takes place via words, (distorted) audios and drawings.

This is where real exchange takes place. Instead of small talk, there is deep talk. The exchange with “birds” who know what you are talking about is good.

Your identity

It doesn’t matter what name your parents gave you. Your bird’s name is something very special and you can choose it yourself.

We are convinced that you have a lot of talent and beautiful qualities in you. Use the three most appropriate words to describe yourself.

Nobody thinks their own passport photo is pretty, do they?

High up in the air, we therefore refrain from taking any photos. Instead, you can paint your own identity – just as you wish. And if you want, you can present yourself differently every day. You are free.

The manners

In heaven you have no reason to be in a bad mood and take your temper out on others. You’ll be fine in heaven, because nobody wants to harm you. So be kind to yourself and to all other birds.

They all belong. They all belong together. All thoughts are tolerated in heaven. No one is excluded.

Anyone who hurts, insults or discriminates against others through words is very likely to be struck by lightning. Our weather gods are always on the move and make sure that no one gets the poop of other birds.

What's the point?

A thousand new perspectives

By sharing personal experiences and feelings with unfamiliar birds, you get new input that sheds light on a topic from a different perspective. This will make your mind richer in ideas and you will become more agile in your actions back “on the ground”.


Anyone who dares to fly off and take off dares to grow. It’s not about your outer greatness, but about your inner greatness. By dealing with your inner issues and feelings, you will be able to live more consciously. This will enable you to master everyday challenges with more ease and pursue your goals with more motivation.


People often find it difficult to be human. Sounds funny, but it’s true. Listening to another person often falls by the wayside because your own head and hands are too busy.

Let’s see if we can look after each other better as birds.

The first app version will be available soon.

We just need a little more time. But if you want to be one of the first people to test the app, then sign up for the waiting list.

On Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok and Instagram we do our best to make the waiting time as interesting as possible. If you have a question or suggestion, contact us simply. We are looking forward to it!

Werde Testvogel

Sei einer der ersten Vögel, die die App testen dürfen. Deine Informationen helfen uns, die Interessen der bird’spective Community besser zu verstehen und die App darauf auszurichten. Danke für dein Vertrauen!

Danke für dein Interesse

Das Warten wird sich lohnen.

Während du wartest, arbeiten wir auf Hochtouren an dem Buch und der App. Gleichzeitig bauen wir das größte Vogelnetzwerk auf, das es jemals auf diesem Planeten gegeben hat.
Wenn du uns dabei helfen möchtest, dann erzähle deinen Freund:innen und allen Menschen, die du kennst, von unserem Projekt. Je größer das Netzwerk, desto weiter der Horizont.

Become a test bird

Be one of the first birds to test the app. Your information helps us to better understand the interests of the bird’spective community and tailor the app accordingly. Thank you for your trust!

Thank you for your interest

It will be worth the wait.

While you’re waiting, we’re working flat out on the book and the app. At the same time, we are building the largest bird network that has ever existed on this planet.
If you want to help us, tell your friends and everyone you know about our project. The larger the network, the broader the horizon.

Shit happens

But somehow you always get rid of the poop. The bird’spective app will help you.