Support us

We need an updraft

bird’spective believes in non-judgmental communication, inner strength and solidarity.
We need your support so that the project can continue and be carried out into the world.

How to support us


Follow us on social media. We are on Instagram and Tiktok. There you can get great input, exchange ideas in the comments and be among the first to hear news and updates.

Tell a friend

Talk about bird'spective and share our idea with your friends and family. The more people use the app, the more perspectives will emerge.

Follow us

Follow us on social media. We are on Tiktok, Facebook and Instagram. There you can get great input, exchange ideas in the comments and be among the first to hear news and updates.

Make gifts

In our store you will find great products that you can use to make yourself or your loved ones happy. This makes bird'spective's message visible and carries it out into the world.


By donating money, you help us to cover all costs incurred for app development, the blog and marketing.

Trag dich in die Warteliste ein

Sei einer der ersten Menschen, die das Buch lesen und die App testen dürfen. Deine Informationen helfen uns, die Interessen der bird’spective Community besser zu verstehen und die App darauf auszurichten. Danke für dein Vertrauen!

Danke für dein Interesse

Das Warten wird sich lohnen.

Während du wartest, arbeiten wir auf Hochtouren an dem Buch und der App. Gleichzeitig bauen wir das größte Vogelnetzwerk auf, das es jemals auf diesem Planeten gegeben hat.
Wenn du uns dabei helfen möchtest, dann erzähle deinen Freund:innen und allen Menschen, die du kennst, von unserem Projekt. Je größer das Netzwerk, desto weiter der Horizont.

Join the waiting list

Be one of the first people to read the book and test the app. Your information helps us to better understand the interests of the bird’spective community and tailor the app accordingly. Thank you for your trust!

Thank you for your interest

It will be worth the wait.

While you’re waiting, we’re working flat out on the book and the app. At the same time, we are building the largest bird network that has ever existed on this planet.
If you would like to help us, tell your friends and everyone you know about our project. The larger the network, the broader the horizon.

Shit happens

But somehow you always get rid of the poop. The bird’spective app will help you.